Category: About The School

Die School of Joy – Informationen auf deutsch
” Was ihr für einen meiner geringsten Brüder getan habt, das habt ihr mir getan. ” (Matth. 25,40) Die Situation Das Leben in Palästina ist…

The Aims of the School
To prevent deterioration of the problem of street children. To provide the children with schooling appropriate to their needs and to enable them to catch…

The School Consists
The school consists of several class rooms for teaching. The school also provides some internal and external facilities for children to play. The school provides…

The School Mission
Our Mission is to rehabilitate mentally disabled and emotionally distorted children by preparing them for greater self-sufficiency and independent living, and to make them productive…

About The School
About The School The School of Joy was founded by Fr.Mamdouh AbuSada in 1998 in Beit Sahour, the town of the shepherds, just few miles…